The “Carnivore Diet”, Are humans meat eaters?
This is My first health article of this year, and I’m sure there are many people considering making a New Years’ resolution to lose some weight, get healthier, etc., there has been a lot of talk about the “carnivore diet” lately and you may have heard incorrectly about the Carnivore Diet. This is nothing new, people over the years have tried different diets before. So, Are we really meat eaters?
Let me explain:
Almost any argument can be effectively destroyed on the emotional level. When you invoke a picture of realism in the presentation of an argument. the truth should win out regardless of what side of an argument you’re on.
Truthinhealth/members have often been taunted with “I don’t want any of your rabbit food.” An emotional rejoinder that leaves them stunned and stupefied is “I’d prefer it to your buzzard food.”
Some folks will tell you humans are meat-eater and that they personally are meat-eaters. Of course they’re not true carnivores. You can create revulsion in them for meat eating by simply telling them: “when you can take a live rabbit and crush its head in your mouth, start chewing it up, and eat it, hair, skin, bones, brain, grilles, guts and all, then you can tell me you’re a meet-eater. Until you can do that with relish, get off your phony argument.”
Another sure argument that will floor your detractors or “intellectual protagonists” is to ask them some suitable but innocent questions.
You may ask your meat-eating argumentative friend if he or she secretes *uricase, of Course few will know what you’re talking about.
“Uricase? what’s that?” they may ask. You respond, “You don’t know what uricase is and you’re telling me you’re a meat-eater? Uricase is an enzyme that is secreted in the intestinal tract of all carnivorous animals! Humans do not secrete this enzyme. Thus, when humans eat meat they cannot break down toxic uric acid. When uric acid is absorbed it creates damage in the body. To neutralize uric acid the body must draw upon its reserves of valuable alkaline mineral, especially calcium. Because grain and meat eating humans have a predominantly acid-forming diet, the body must oftentimes get the necessary base minerals from its bones to neutralize the acid. The resulting calcium rates cause kidney stones, accretions in the joints that result in arthritis and, in all events osteoporosis of both bones and teeth.
This is a carnivore:
FACT – Physiological Food: MEAT – (Hunts, kills and eats dead animals. WHAT Human Can do that?) has 4 paws with claws, walks on 4 paws, mouth opens large, with great sharp fangs and short and pointed incisors, also blade shaped molars.
The lower jaw embedded inside of the top; no lateral or forward mobility. Shear; swallow w/o chewing with small salivary gland.
Acid saliva without ptyallin, acid urine. Renal secretion of “uricase”. Strong hydrochloric acid, does not require fiber to stimulate peristalsis. Metabolize large amount of cholesterol and vitamin A. Sweet glands in the paws; gasp to cool the blood. Intestine from 1.5 to 3 times body length. Colon short smooth alkaline. Not metabolize cellulose. Complete digestion 2 to 4 hours.
These are Humans
FACT – Physiological Food: Fruits, vegetable, nuts. Prehensile hands and feet. (Capable of Grasping) on 4 paws/upright. Mouth opening: small /M, Canines for defense, big and flattened incisors, flattened molars. Upper jaw sits on the bottom, great lateral and forward mobility. No shear; chew their food, big salivary glands, alkaline saliva with ptyallin, alkaline urine.
Does not secrete “uricase”, weak hydrochloric acid, requires fiber to stimulate peristalsis. Metabolize small amounts of cholesterol and vitamin A. Sweat glands in the whole body intestine 9 times body length. Colon long sacculated acid, does not metabolize cellulose. Complete digestion 12 to 18 hours.
Humans & primates (HOMINIDS)
When it comes to anatomy and physiology, what others species in nature do we resemble the most out of these categories ?
Why don’t all species eat the same? Why are there even categories? The digestive tract is designed to eat specific foods depending on what species you belong to. Nature really does make things simple for us.
Humans seem to complicate the simplicity, and reality that we are no different than other species in nature. Humans are the most confused species when it comes to the food they eat!
Humans teeth are designed for a diet of fruits, nuts, seeds, sweet vegetables & herbs.
If we were to compare are anatomy to other species in nature what species do we resemble the most? I would say the primates with common sense.
Why do humans complicate things when it comes to the food they consume? We know not to give pets certain foods, but we don’t know how to feed ourselves in order to be healthy!
Look at how closely we resemble the primates that are deigned as biological frugivores.
“Human teeth are not designed for tearing flesh as in the lion, wolf or dog, but rather compare closely with other fruit-eating animals. Human teeth correspond almost identically to the chimpanzees and other frugivores. The complete absence of spaces between human teeth characterizes us as the archetype of frugivore. The “canine” teeth of humans are short, stout, and slightly triangular. They are less pronounced and developed than the orangutan’s, who rarely kills and eats raw flesh in its natural environment. Human canines in no way resemble the long, round, slender canines of the true carnivore. Human teeth are not curved or sharp like the wolves or tigers, nor are they wide and flat like the grass and grain-eating species. Human teeth are actually like the fruit-eating monkeys, and the human mouth is best suited for eating succulent fruits and vegetables. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for humans to eat raw flesh without the aid of fork and knife. To term our incisor teeth “fangs” or even to liken them as such is outrageous.
*The enzyme urate oxidase, uricase or factor-independent urate hydroxylase, absent in humans, catalyzes the oxidation of uric acid to 5-hydroxyisourate: Uric acid+ O2+ H2O → 5-hydroxyisourate+ H2O2 5-hydroxyisourate+ H2O2 → allantoin+ CO2)
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