TruthInHealth/Life Science is sponsoring a short course in HIGH-ENERGYMETHODS. it teaches you techniques for vastly increasing your pep, brain power, mental alertness, and performance abilities. You can end most common energy-draining factors that afflict and torment most Americans within a single day. We teach you about energy-gaining and energy-draini9ng foods and practices. We teach you the single most important thing you can do to keep your battery charges all day long every day! Most important we teach you how to free yourself of the biggest energy-draining and brain draining influences of all – – sicknesses and ailments.
- Quick and permanent weight loss. Extra weight is energy draining.
- New found vigor, vim, vitality, strength, and stamina.
- Rejuvenation and longer life.
- An end to energy-draining digestive problems within 24 hours!
- Reduction of medical, drugs, hospital, and related expenses to near zero! Heathy people don’t patronize drugs, physicians and hospitals. Neither will you need medical insurance!
- An increase in earning power! When you think better, you are more effective in applying yourself.
- A new personal radiance and charm.
- Vibrant sickness-free, ailment-free health! You can regain high level health and stay that way.
- Improve skin tone, complexion, and appearance.
- Feeling like a million all the time! When you bubble over with energy, you feel great Constantly!
Why not look into your possibilities right NOW? Why not consider attending and preview a session free? Just call, or write: HIGH ENERGY METHODS. THIS IS A SVEN COURSE PROGRAM and it will be available at the end of this year (2022) it will cost $413.00 (59.00 per course. Single lesson $99.00 each. Lesson one. “A New Concept of Personal Energy, Its Creation and Use”. Lesson two. “How to Have More Nerve Energy for Tremendous Self-Enhancement”. Lesson Three. “Freeing Yourself of Energy-Draining Influences”. Lesson Four. “New Perspective on High-Energy Practices: Detoxification and Invigoration”. Lesson Five. “High-Energy Foods: Their Preparation and Consumption”. Lesson Six. “New Concepts of Health and Disease”. Lesson Seven. “Establishing a Personal High-Energy Program”. You can order this Special High-Energy Courses before the end of year publication for a discounted price and for a limited time. Complete Course $273.00 before the end of August 2022. Single lesson $69.00 before the end of August 2022.
Do you really “Want” to WAIT Anymore? How much do you really “Want” something? “Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not hope, not wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything” ~ Napoleon Hill. ~ Also, want to learn more? Read Napoleon Hill Book “Think and Grow Rich” DO IT NOW! Sometimes, “LATER” becomes NEVER!!!