Health and Longevity Course
What You Get:
Learn what it takes to live a healthier lifestyle when you take this comprehensive online Health and Nutrition course, which is designed to cover the digestive system, nutrients, energy, metabolism, diets, and more.
Health and Nutrition for Beginners Course Takes an average of 30 minutes’ to one hours for each lesson for each month for 24 months to complete.
Includes certificate of completion
Get unlimited access and learn from virtually anywhere
Use on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer
Unique Teaching Methods
Each published lessons you’ll receive is presented thoroughly among the following lesson sections:
1) Rational – the big idea pertaining to the lesson and material presented.
2) Objective of this lesson
3) Key Concepts
4) Salient Facts
5) Definitions
6) Outline of the Lesson
7) Presentation of the Lesson
8) Questions Relating to the Lesson
9) Summary of the Lesson
10) Supplementary Text material
11) Worksheets
Some lessons will contain tables and statistics for study and references purpose. Pertinent texts will be referred to when needed. Then you’ll be led into the lesson material. Total pages of lesson and text material will vary from twelve to forty 81/2 X 11″ typeset pages. Where relevant, case histories will be cited and documentation presented. In addition, articles by great health educators will often appear as part of the text material. Periodically, you’ll receive a written test. You’ll complete and return your test to us for grading and assessment. Your rating will be entered in our grade book and your test will be returned to you bearing your grading marks. When warranted, we will offer constructive criticism and commentary with suggestions. (Tests are only required if you are studying for a degree.
Your training is self-administered and self-directed. no one will be standing over your shoulder telling you what to do or how to do it. Your lessons will be your guide, but only you can understand yourself. Only you can command yourself to apply this training. Only you can evaluate your progress. Only you can bring about educative action should you slip a little.
INTRODUCTION to the Course Level 1: (If you like to continue with your studies, there are seven levels)
Course Sections
Lesson 1 – Introduction to HEALTHOLOGY as a way of life
Lesson 2 – The nature and purpose of disease
Lesson 3 – Introducing the HEALTHOLOGY System for perfect health,
Lesson 4 – Program for perfect health,
Part II:
The essentials of life:
Lesson 5 – Introduction to Nutritional Science
Lesson 6 – The immense wisdom and providence of the body
TEST ONE covering Lessons 1 – 6 (Optional, and only if you studying for a degree).
Lesson 7 – Carbohydrates: fuel for the human body
Lesson 8 – Proteins in the diet
Lesson 9 – Vitamins: the metabolic wizard of life processes
Lesson 10 – The role of minerals in human nutrition
Lesson 11 – Fats in the diet
Lesson 12 – The role of acid and alkaline substances within the body
TEST TWO covering Lessons 7 -12 (Optional, and only if you studying for a degree).
Costs of the Health and Nutritional Course
There is a one time Initiation fee of $1000.00 and Each lesson costs $100.00 plus $10 shipping and handling, if you want us to mail you the physical course. Each test costs $75.00. Tests are optional, but “Mandatory” if you are studying for a degree.
Admission Policy
University of Healthology accepts all applicants for training in Health Science. It discriminates against no one for any reason. However, the awards of degrees are made to those who achieve a C average or better.
Refund Policy
After the first lesson should you wish to withdraw from further lessons, the University of Healthology will refund your one-time tuition initiation fee in full providing you return all the material in good condition.
LIMITED TIME PROMOTIONAL COST ONLY Each Lesson $50 plus $100 one time initiation fee.
Purchase all 12 lesson and the cost is $359.64 ($29.97. each lesson)
What more can be asked by any doctor or layman than a philosophy of the cause of disease that gives a perfect understanding of all the so-called diseases?
To know cause supplies even the layman with a dependable knowledge of how to avoid building disease, and how to cure. When people know how to avoid disease they know an immunization that immunizes rationally.
Dependable knowledge of what disease really is and its cause is man’s salvation; and when it can be had with no more effort than that required to read carefully and understandingly Toxemia Explained, there is little excuse for anyone, lay or professional, to live in ignorance of it.
Knowledge is power. Knowledge of how to have health gives greatest power.
Few people know anything about the cause of disease. To them this is dedicated and the freedom from medical superstition it will bring them. – J. H. TILDEN.
Subject Matter of the Courses
(Programs of Study and COURSE OUTLINE)