Dr. Laurence Galant: A Beacon of Health
and Vitality Through Natural Hygiene
Introduction: In a world inundated with health challenges and medical mysteries, the story of Dr. Laurence Galant stands as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, exploration, and holistic healing. As your consultant in holistic wellness, I am delighted to share the remarkable journey of Dr. Galant, whose unwavering commitment to health and vitality has inspired countless individuals worldwide.
The Journey of Discovery: in 1980 about Forty-five years ago, Dr. Laurence Galant found himself facing a multitude of health issues, including allergies, obesity, high blood pressure, indigestion, and numerous other ailments. Despite years of seeking answers through conventional medicine and various health modalities, he remained trapped in a cycle of illness and despair. Frustrated by the lack of results and disheartened by his deteriorating health, Dr. Galant embarked on a quest for answers that would ultimately lead him to the transformative principles of Natural Hygiene.
The Turning Point: Through tireless research, study, and experimentation, Dr. Galant delved deep into the realms of holistic health and natural healing, exploring a vast array of modalities and philosophies in search of a solution to his health challenges. It was during this journey of discovery that he encountered Natural Hygiene, a holistic health philosophy that resonated deeply with his innate understanding of the body’s inherent healing potential. Inspired by the promise of natural living and holistic wellness, Dr. Galant immersed himself in the study and application of Natural Hygiene principles, determined to reclaim his health and vitality once and for all.
The Transformation: Through dedicated study, diligent application, and unwavering commitment, Dr. Galant experienced a profound transformation in his health and well-being. By embracing the principles of Natural Hygiene, including proper nutrition, hydration, rest, exercise, and emotional well-being, he witnessed remarkable improvements in his health outcomes. Over time, his allergies disappeared, excess weight melted away, blood pressure normalized, and digestive issues became a thing of the past. Today, at the age of 82, Dr. Galant embodies the epitome of super health and vitality, inspiring others with his radiant energy, zest for life, and unwavering dedication to holistic wellness.
Legacy of Inspiration: As a beacon of health and vitality, Dr. Laurence Galant’s journey serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment for individuals seeking to reclaim their health and vitality. His unwavering commitment to natural living and holistic healing stands as a testament to the transformative power of embracing the body’s innate wisdom and supporting its natural healing processes. Through his teachings, writings, and example, Dr. Galant continues to inspire and empower others to embark on their own journey to optimal health and well-being.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the story of Dr. Laurence Galant is a testament to the transformative power of Natural Hygiene and the boundless potential of the human body to heal itself when supported with proper nutrition, hydration, rest, exercise, and emotional well-being. As your consultant in holistic wellness, I am honored to share Dr. Galant’s journey and invite you to embark on your own path to health, vitality, and well-being through the timeless wisdom of Natural Hygiene.
This Natural Health Doctor Calls the Whole Disease Treatment and the conventional” Health and Vitamin Supplement Industry “A Bunch of BS!”
This same Natural Health Doctor also reveals how a 100% effective Natural Health Monthly Newsletter/Lessons can help heal your body from almost all diseases and including today’s secret killer: INFLAMMATION
And he says he can prove it Scientifically! So, If you wake up feeling tired, grumpy, and old before your time …
If you feeling yourself being sucked in by ads or commercials telling you how some products or some procedures will flood you with more life and vitality – and magically makes you young again… they are lying to you… They are telling you half-truth, no truth and outright lies. Don’t do anything — until you see the breakthrough in this Natural Health Science Newsletter. It’s The Truth In Health!
Because it could be the key to enjoying a vigorous, healthy life for many many years to come (and save you from wasting boatloads of cash, too).
Let me explain…I’m Dr. Laurence Galant. Some 46 years back, when I was 36, I turned my life around from a very sick person following the conventional lifestyle of treating symptoms with “drugs” called “medicine” to a natural healthy lifestyle with the same program that I’m offering you today.
Because back then I saw very few doctors focused on mainstream and maintaining and improving healthy. Instead, many convectional doctors try to categorize people into some sort of disease condition. I believe you deserve better than that.
So I decided that my purpose in life would be to keep people – including you – out of our crazy, mixed-up, messed-up healthcare system and teach people how to be totally healthy with a 100% effective health system GUARANTEE. And therefore, FREE yourself from the medical assembly line.
It’s Time to Forget the conventional health and anti-aging craze – and embrace a 100% effective health and anti-aging system instead!
Get your trial newsletter of the Truth In Health Now!I’m confident in the research behind the “TruthInHealth” principles and in the health knowledge you will receive from the newsletter.
I know that TruthInHealth is the only program today that is involved in the true health and longevity all others are in the disease treating and vitamins and mineral supplement business.
TruthInHealth WILL make you healthier than you have ever been before. In fact, I am so confident, I wanted to make sure you have the opportunity to try the first issue for yourself FREE for 30 days. If you are not totally satisfied return it for a full refund and no questions asked.
“With health everything is a source of pleasure; without it nothing else is enjoyable … the greatest of all foolishness is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness, whether it be for financial gain, advancement, learning, or fame; everything must be made secondary to Health!” Without health, where is the joy in life?
YES, that’s right … You can claim your first issue of the “TruthInHealth” right now as part of a Risk-Free trial offer! If you do it TODAY!
The “TRUTH” is still out there.
You just need to know WHERE to look and how to use it to live a healthier, happy and even a richer life – even in these crazy times.
What is the “truth” these days?
Apparently it’s not in freedom-of-speech. Not with this Government, not with the pharmaceutical Industry, not with the medical professional, and not in BIG MEDIA, BIG TECH AND MARXIST ELITES WHO MAY CONTROL AMERICA, BUT NOT YOU. NOT EVER.
In this letter, I will explain how to turn their sinister plans upside down as you become “healthier” and even wealthier if you choose.
And, there’s NOTHING they can do to stop you. Being healthy, wealthy and HAPPY is your very best revenge.
Later in this presentation, I will tell you about a quite REFUGE where liberty still lives and freedom of speech is thriving.
Once you learn about this place, I promise you it’s a liberating experience. You will see that the fundamental powers of goodness, faith and liberty are not only alive… they are thriving.
You will discover that the past 2 years has awakened a sleeping GIANT of pride in our country and concern for our fellow men and women.The first step, which we will take in these pages right now, is to expose the arrogant elites and so called insiders for the cowards they are.
And then I will explain how to:Become INVULNERABLE to viruses and bacteria. (It’s not a lotion a potion, a powder or a pill. It’s not a drug or a medication, a gadget or a gimmick).
AND You can:Protect your family from any disaster – medical, environmental, political – so they can survive and thrive in chaotic times. Here is an additional brief overview of the information you will learn:
• The nature and purpose of disease.
• The immense wisdom and providence of the body.
• The nutritional bases of life.
• Human physiology and anatomy and our dietary nature.
• Harmful practices to avoid.
• Common illnesses and disease and how a specific way of living can help.
• The laws of life, unknown (or seems unknown) to conventional medicine.
• How you can be healthier 6 months from now than you are today, no matter what age.
• How you can lose those unwanted pounds forever.
• The PROTEIN MYTH and how it effects your health.
• How you can triple your energy quickly and effectively.
• How you can eliminate stress forever. (The Real Disease)
• The body mind connection.
• Mental medicine and the health care system.
• Practical applications you can use immediately
• And much more.
The Medical industry and professionals are not censor to teach it; they don’t want too. There is no profit for them in teaching a healthie way of life. And, also the pharmaceutical industry pays for the curriculum in medical schools.
What is our system Called?
Our system is NOT called natural medicine; the proper name is “Natural Hygiene”/which I termed “Healthology/TruthInHealth”.
The first thing you need to know is the REAL reason Big Media and Big Tech are pushing so hard to program your brain. It’s because they are terrified of YOU.
They thought you would go away quietly and accept their “victory” narratives and the description of their tales and lies. You didn’t.
And now they’re desperately hoping you will throw your hands up and say “I surrender.” But you won’t. You are NOT powerless, you simply need to be “vaccinated” only against the Evil Triad that want to tear all of us and the country apart, and laugh all the way to the bank.
The hidden troops of Marxist/socialist Elites who want to take your money and assume absolute control over our life. For our own good of course.
They say that Evil can’t survive in the light of day. So here’s a heaping, helping of daylight they’re praying (if they pray at all) you never see.
When it comes to your health… “we tell the “TRUTH” regardless of how much it contradicts popular opinions or established false beliefs! “When you fall on the side of popular opinions, It’s time to pause and reflect” ~Mark Twain
Since 1984 I have been warning people about a sinister “shadow government that was quietly pulling the strings of government, and seeking to rule our lives. (Such as “The Silent Weapon for Quiet Wars” report).
Well… they’re still are… they’re just NOT hiding in the shadows anymore. This inner circle of politicians, billionaires, academics, so called “scientists”, anarchists and wall street fat cats called themselves The Club of Rome back then. Four decades ago, the Club of Rome predicted looming economic collapse in its iconic report The Limits to Growth.
The club of Rome was founded in 1968 by an elite group of academics, environmentalists, ex-politicians and businessmen.They all shared a common belief that the world was going to Hell and that they had to be the invisible catalyst for change.
They believe that mankind was ignorant and self-destructive and had to be “quietly” molded to THEIR vision of the future. They have total dislike for individual human rights and liberties.
We can’t be trusted to live a productive life… they want to decide how we live. These Global Elites believe they are superior to all of us and should tell us how to live. They actually believe they are wiser, more advanced form of human who knows what’s best for us and Mother Earth.And they had been planning in the shadows to use a global crisis like climate change to impose their will on the economies and people of the entire planet.
Then came COVID-19 so who needs climate change? These Marxist elites have pounced on the fear of billions to impose their will and create a permanent, dependent class of worker’s bees. Like you and me.
Even better, they don’t need to act in the shadows anymore, just watch the news? … they’re out in the open and seizing control of all the levers of power. They are all drunk with power…absolute power.
Even over life and death… as they decide who lives or dies. It’s a pretty shocking picture. But it’s the truth. And you need to understand if you’re going to survive and even thrive in the new world they are trying to impose on us all.
I know it sounds almost hopeless. But trust me, it’s not. Their sinister, frightening purpose was easier to impose from the shadows. Now, we can see them for the arrogant fools they are.And like a skilled karate master, we can turn their own aggression and arrogance against them.
To accomplish this, we have just put the final touches on a special monthly “Natural Health” course to help YOU take control of your health and your life. Let’s look at some of them right now…
• Improve your health
• Improve memory
• Relieves stress
• Improve sleep quality
• Optimizes digestion
• Regulate Blood sugar level
• Reduce Pain
• Regulate Cholesterol
• Reduce Fatigue
• Alleviate Hypertension
• And Much More
Soon, This May Be the Only Health Plan You, your family and/or Your Company Can Afford. We are so confident of the information in our course that we provide a triple guarantee of full-money-back without asking any questions at all.
CAN YOU AFFORD TO IGNORE THIS OFFER?If your health and the Health of your loved ones is of vital importance to you then so is a subscription to “TRUTH IN HEALTH” the course that guarantees a healthier more productive and more fulfilled life.
I do trust you’ll join me. To get a charter subscription see below, remember no more worthless monthly lotions, potions, powders or pills…No gadgets or gimmicks to buy.
Why not try it for thirty days? If it’s not to your liking, simply write to let us know and we’ll issue you a prompt and complete refund. No hard feelings. Really. You can even keep your first issue as a bonus for your trouble. That’s how certain we are that you will look forward to each issue with excited confident expectation.
I’m looking forward to a journey of challenges growth and adventure. We’ll do things bold, daring and imaginative and go to levels most can only speculate about. Let the journey begin’
Subscribe now to ensure that you receive Issue One. We tell the Truth… “The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth!” So help us GOD!
To subscribe complete, the order form below NOW, TODAY you will pay only $37.00 monthly less than what you would pay for worthless vitamin supplements.
If you are ready to receive this very Special introductory offer of the “TRUTH IN HEALTH” The astonishing NEW monthly Alternative Health course…regular Subscription Price $99.00 dollars monthly…NOW you SAVE $62.00 monthly for this “Premier Issue” and this Promotion only!
“TRUTH IN HEALTH” promises to help you help yourself to live a longer healthier more rewarding life…Free of all illness…without the use of dangerous drugs and without the high cost and ineffectiveness of organized conventional medical treatments. Furthermore, you can return the material at any time for an immediate refund. Under those terms, subscribe NOW to:
The “Truth In Health monthly Course. Know the truth, subscribe below. and if not, after all you’ve read on these pages…just go back and reread this letter or ignore it and keep your head buried in the sand.
As a member, you’ll be part of a selected inner circle of visionary individual who will see through the Government, the Pharmaceutical, the medical professionals and the media noise and recognize the enormous and gigantic opportunities ahead.
So what exactly are those opportunities?You’re going to need to sit down for this one. The right to our own lives, bodies and health is being challenged at this very moment. It is urgent that you learn how to care for yourself so you won’t be a victim of any new “system” of fad to come along.
“You may find it very enlightening to realize that germs, viruses, and other microorganisms do not cause diseases”. It is an ignorant and dangerous myth that the pharmaceutical companies keep alive to exploit you and your family, your neighbors, your friends, your relatives and everyone on this earth!. And they are NOT about to let the cat out of the bag!
The industry that stands to lose the most if doctors stop writing millions of prescriptions, spends billions of dollars a year to prevent you from knowing THE “TRUTH”. They spend their billions on…
• Research grants – which influences what researchers study.
• TV, radio, newspapers, magazine and medical journal advertising -which influences medical information released to the public.
• Doctors training – which influences how medical conditions are treated.
• Medical school grants and scholarships – which influences what students are taught.
It is necessary that you study, understand, and practice the “Truth In Health” way of living. It is an intimidating task in this environment of instant gratification and self-indulgent living. “You will be different”. You will be different because of an inner knowledge that you can live in harmony with the way you are build.
Therefore, you must take responsibility for your own health. You will be rewarded with magnificent health not often found in the modern world. It is important to know without question, and from experience, that poisonous vaccines do not prevent disease and destructive drugs cannot ‘cure” disease. The body alone heals self, and you alone can cause it to do so. “With conscious observation and responsibility comes great powers.”
All that is good and wonderful in life is a manifestation of those forces that brought it about. Ascertaining those forces and availing ourselves of them so that we live blissfully and gloriously in TRUTHINHEALTH/LIFE SCIENCE.Science is not the cold dispassionate pursuit many of us have been led to believe. Rather it is very warm, very personal and very relevant to all that we are involved in.
SUPERSTITIONS DIE HARD!A superstition is any belief or practice based upon one’s trust in luck or other irrational, unscientific, or supernatural forces. Often, it arises from ignorance, a misunderstanding of science or causality, a belief in fate or magic, or “fear” of that which is unknown.
Beliefs are devises by which we are all self-enslave. Beliefs are just that beliefs! Neither thousands of years in time nor billions of believers make them true. Long practices do not transform error into truth. Truth does not require belief. We do not use the word believe in setting forth what we know.
Example: For thousands of years’ humans believed that the earth was flat and millions of people continue to live with this belief – false though it was. Neither time nor millions of believers flattened the earth. Truth is not something that is verified by popular vote.
Acknowledged superstitions of today were “science” of yesteryears. And, much of today’s “science” will be found to be superstitious foolishness and madness in the years to come.
However, many superstitions, erroneous and misleading beliefs persist among us today, even among the educated and/or “scientific” communities. The drug superstition and misleading information has been with us for over 2500 years. The belief in medicinal substances and “cures” is even older.
However, the “truth” exists today that could save the whole human race from the swamp of diseases and suffering. Even today, the “educated” and the “ignorant” alike reject these truths, clinging steadfastly to the present traditional superstitions.
Instead of being moved to learn and practice the simple ways of health, they proceed as if health is automatic, no matter what we do and that disease is accidental, something that has overwhelmed us unfairly; a bit of unfortunate bad luck.
Our general population does not seem to realize that health is normal and is assured to those who indulge its causes (Healthful Living) and that disease is abnormal and is bound to happen if we indulge its causes. What we are offering you is a health program that you’ve never seen before, it’s an exception, something that doesn’t fit today’s health pattern, it’s something that deviates from what is standard and expected. It’s an anomaly!
If you consider life worth living only insofar as you indulge the perversions and sensuous pursuits so rife in our society, then you should not pursue TRUTHINHEALTH/LIFE SCIENCE further.
Pursue, instead, those enervating practices which you love. Soon you’ll go the route of medicine, physicians, offices, hospitals, surgery, “bouts of this and bouts of the.” Suffer like a man or woman, without complaint and without being a burden to others or to society.
If you want to enjoy life in the highest human sense, if you want to be completely free of ailments and suffering, then you’ll learn to be your own master of your health and insist on being pure of mind and body. In this way you’ll learn and appreciate the keener joys and deeper values of life
No “medicine” or physician in the world can do what you can do for yourself by giving your body an opportunity to exercise its miraculous restorative powers. there are no curative substances. Neither are there any “healers.”
Your body is self-sufficient and purifies and cleans itself if given the opportunity. Drugs, herbs or “special foods” do not clean. They clog.The body’s natural processes are impeded. Such “treatments” often make acute diseases worse or contribute to chronic ailments.
Vital functions which force morbid discharges from the body can be inhibited by the drugs. Symptoms may disappear, BUT this merely causes the body to retain more wastes and poisons, including the drug poisons.
By clogging up the body with toxic matters the inevitable day of reckoning is merely postponed. And when that day arrives, it will be in an even more virulent and disabling form.
Every act and practice has either a bad or good effect. (Law of cause and effect) Bad habits and indulgences create disease and suffering. Good habits and practices create great health and are the basis for happiness and well-being. The choice is yours. What will it be?
The knowledge will be in your hands! All you
have to do is follow it. It’s that easy.

Unveiling the Power of Natural Hygiene:
A Holistic Approach to Optimal Health
Introduction: In a world dominated by fast-paced lifestyles and quick-fix solutions, the principles of Natural Hygiene offer a refreshing and transformative approach to health and wellness. As your consultant in holistic wellness, I am excited to delve into the essence of Natural Hygiene and explore the myriad health benefits it produces when applied with dedication and mindfulness.
Understanding Natural Hygiene: At its core, Natural Hygiene is a holistic health philosophy that emphasizes the body’s innate ability to heal itself when provided with the proper conditions and support. Originating in the late 19th century, Natural Hygiene is rooted in the belief that the human body is designed for health and vitality, and that optimal health can be achieved through natural living practices that align with the body’s inherent needs and rhythms.
Key Principles of Natural Hygiene:
Nutrition: Natural Hygiene advocates for a whole-food, plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. By nourishing the body with nutrient-dense foods, individuals can support optimal health, energy levels, and vitality.
Hydration: Adequate hydration is essential for optimal bodily function and overall health. Natural Hygiene encourages individuals to drink plenty of water throughout the day to support cellular processes, promote detoxification, and maintain hydration levels.
Rest and Sleep: Rest and sleep are vital for allowing the body to repair and regenerate tissues, optimize performance, and prevent illness. Natural Hygiene emphasizes the importance of quality sleep and adequate rest to support overall well-being and enhance vitality.
Physical Activity: Regular exercise is a cornerstone of Natural Hygiene, promoting cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and mental well-being. The philosophy encourages individuals to engage in a variety of physical activities that they enjoy to promote overall health and vitality.
Emotional Well-being: Mental and emotional health are integral components of Natural Hygiene. The philosophy emphasizes the importance of managing stress, cultivating positive relationships, and nurturing emotional well-being to support holistic health and wellness.
Health Benefits of Natural Hygiene:
Optimal Physical Health: By adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet and engaging in regular exercise, individuals can experience improved energy levels, enhanced immune function, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance: Natural Hygiene promotes mental clarity, emotional balance, and resilience in the face of stress and adversity. By practicing mindfulness, stress management techniques, and nurturing positive relationships, individuals can cultivate a sense of inner peace and well-being.
Vitality and Longevity: When the body is properly nourished, hydrated, and supported, it can thrive with vitality and resilience. Natural Hygiene offers a pathway to vitality and longevity, allowing individuals to age gracefully and maintain optimal health well into their golden years.
Weight Management: By emphasizing whole, unprocessed foods and regular physical activity, Natural Hygiene supports healthy weight management and sustainable lifestyle habits. Individuals can achieve and maintain their ideal weight without resorting to restrictive diets or harmful weight-loss tactics.
Enhanced Immune Function: Proper nutrition, hydration, rest, and exercise support a robust immune system that can defend against infections, illness, and disease. Natural Hygiene provides the foundation for a strong and resilient immune system that can protect against a wide range of health threats.