Who can you count on in today’s World? And, who can you count on with your health? You are the only one who can think for you, breath for you, eat for you, exercise for you, get sunshine for you, and, you are the only one who can make decisions for you etc.

The only one responsible and the only one you can count on is YOU! So how are you going to be healthy and if you like wealthy? We like to suggest our “Super Health INNER CIRCLE Coaching” program of cause.

With health everything is a source of pleasure; without it nothing else is enjoyable … the greatest of all foolishness is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness, whether it be for financial gain, advancement, learning, or fame; everything must be made secondary to Health!” Without health, where is the joy in life?

Queen Elizabeth The first, on her dying bed she said “All my possessions for a moment of time.”

The last words of Steve Jobs, billionaire, dead at 56: “I have reached the pinnacle of success in business.” In other people’s eyes my life is a success. However, aside from work, I’ve had little joy. At the end of the day, wealth is just a fact I’ve gotten used to. Right now, lying on my hospital bed, reminiscing all my life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth I took so much pride in, has faded and become meaningless in the face of imminent death”.

Let’s face it, whatever our goals are, we want to achieve them, because we feel good and they make us FEEL GOOD That is everyone’s ultimate goal is… “To FEEL GOOD”! When you feel good magic happens!

Have you also noticed that people have the tendency to move with the crowd when they are faced with health challenges, problems or uncertainty? No doubt you are also accustomed to doing what everyone else does. That, of course, is your first BIG MISTAKE!

Why? Because if you do what everyone else is doing, you’ll get the same results everyone else is getting, which is “Frustration, Disappointment, and Dissatisfaction”.


The conventional medical system is entirely false. That it is untrue in philosophy, absurd in science, in opposition to natural principles, contrary to common sense, disastrous in results and a curse to humanity.

It’s important to understand the Mind Body concept of Health – what it is and how it works, because the mind has a larger role to play in the experience of health, disease and even “contagion” In other word, If we don’t explore the nature of the mind and come to a realistic understanding of how the mind operates, we will fail to understand the concept of disease and contagion in general and the experience of the latest disease called Covid-19 in particular.
Because fear, hatred, and lies are the key components of the experience we call “sickness”. What seems to be contagious is the negative emotions and behavior and they are present in the world at almost unequaled levels at tis time. It’s time to integrate the concept of mind body into a realistic framework for Health and Disease.



By now you must know that there are lots of Health programs offer out there, it seems that everyone has an offer… Have you ever wondered how some people can afford fabulous cars and beautiful homes?

Some have gone from near poverty to making thousands of dollars every day! Some people have made it to the top and made a fortune. But the fact is, if you lose your health, all the financial riches in the world will have absolutely no value.

Also, See The Video Below


The above video was made in 2012 nothing nothing has changed since, in fact
nothing has changed since 1984 when I was introduced to study this system!

Click Below NOW!

What would it be like for you if you could
have the health that you really want?






It is very important that you also watch the above video


Dr. Galant was born on April 7 1942. The above photo was taken May 2022 at age 80. Dr. Laurence Galant is the administrator and Created of the “Super Health Inner Circle Coaching” Program (SHICC). He is also the founder of The Health and Nutritional Guidance Center, the Galant Group Seminars and the Advance Hypnotherapy Center, he is a Board Certified Medical Clinical Hypnotherapist, Practitioner of “Neuro Linguistic” Programming (NLP) with a doctorate degree in Health and Nutritional Science from the America College of Health Science in Austin, TX in 1984. He is also a lifetime member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), and a member of The National Association of Certified Hypnotherapist and The National Council for Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCMCH). And above all a Truth In Health Researcher.

They Laughed When I Told Them that the Whole Disease Treatment and the “Conventional” Health and Vitamin Industry is “A Bunch of Baloney!” They Laughed even more when I said I will reveal how a 100% effective Natural Health program can heal your body from almost all diseases and including today’s “secret killer: INFLAMMATION“!

Subscribe Now And Discovered For for Yourself!

Learn to distinguish reality from fiction and use that to fight diseases! The main misconception about American life-shortening diseases, Heart disease, Cancer, Medical Errors, diabetes, etc.
Dr. Laurence Galant, who is an American Natural Health Educated. Explains…

Let me ask you a serious question…

Do you sometimes feel ill tire and sick? Have you ever dreamed of being totally healthy and full of vitality and energy and telling your doctor where to go, and actually being an inspiration to people instead of always beating yourself up?

If so…

Then, I trust you read every word of this letter because the secret contained inside could change your life forever. My name is Dr Laurence Galant, and I know a 100% effective Health System. Unfortunately my life wasn’t always this good…


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Young And Sick

THIS IS A NEW BEGINNING IN AN AGE OF ILLNESS AND DARKNESS…Heart disease, cancer, AIDS rampant drug and alcohol abuse, tabloids trash TV and the children who are being raised by it, crime, corruption, insecurity and indifference. We are living in an age of disease and darkness.
And yet, one of great hope…While I think it will get darker before it gets lighter, I also know that even the darkness is necessary. And I also believe that darkness gives us all an opportunity to spread light.
Out of challenge comes growth, from adversity – triumph. In other words: With every adversity, there is the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit. This is the Universal Law and Wisdom of Duality. It means that everything is merely a different manifestation of its opposite and each cannot exist without its opposite. When you discover and adopt this wisdom you align yourself with the true course of nature.
It was the difficult times that I experienced in the past that today allows me to live a healthy and successful life and a lifestyle most people only dream of.
I remember 45 years ago…, I became ill with all sorts of health problems such as allergies, high blood pressure indigestion stomach problem and overweight “not to mention other problems that were being created in the process”.
I lost my business, had no job, no car, no bank account and no credit cards. My personal life was a mess and my relationships disintegrated and worst of all, I didn’t like the person I had become.
So, I decided and committed myself to change it… Most importantly, I changed my THINKING!
…And began a program of daily health and self-development time. I started with 15 minutes a day… This was quite difficult at first. I was late, I had things to do, and I didn’t want to “waste” time. I made myself take the time. And found that by taking 15 minutes to focus before I left the house I actually ended up with more time. From there I went to 30 minutes a day. This made for more positive changes in my life.
After that I went to one hour a day, and sometimes two. This led me to the situation I’ve been blessed with today. I’ve surrounded myself with healthy, positive, successful, proactive, dynamic, charismatic people who enjoy life; I’ve worked out my relationships, and gotten out of negative relationships (and stopped repeating them); I’ve worked toward and became healthy and successful.
I didn’t get this life by chance or by luck (I believe there is no such thing as luck, luck to me means when preparation meets opportunity) – I manifested it, by working on me, and becoming the person I wanted to be. And I’m still in the process of improving which I always wanted to do. And working daily toward a higher consciousness and I’m not done.
And I never will be, because I’ve discovered that really living life (and choosing health, happiness and success) is not a destination to reach, but a journey to be relished. Because
I know that we create our own reality! Which is why I’m so excited about my latest project… It’s called the “Super Health and Wealth” Development Series.
I’d like to suggest that you subscribe. And join me in this adventure of “Super Health and Wealth”. And you will be learning more than just Alternative Natural Health Strategies.
Born out of my own quest, this series is dedicated to the search of knowledge, challenge and growth. It’s built around the inherent belief that the solutions are not only “out there, in the Universe” but safely locked within each of us. The series is for people experiencing Divine Dissatisfaction with their current situation, (health or otherwise) and secure in the knowledge that the very dissatisfaction they possess – is the springboard to manifesting their Divine Destiny. People who know that to change the world they must change themselves
“Super Health and Wealth Inner Circle Coaching program” subscribers will know that one person on purpose toward a higher consciousness harnesses the awesome power of the entire universe to their mission. They know that inner peace and the proper sense of self can withstand and eventually overcome all the forces of darkness, that disease, hate and fear are no match for health, success, love and light.
They build a higher consciousness not because it’s good for business, gives them a better relationship, or makes them successful, healthy and happy even though it does all those things. They do it simply because it is their being. If that’s you, then this program will help you live the adventure that is your future.
“Super Health Inner Circle Coaching program” will focus on different aspects of your health and body-mind each month. We’ll explore topics like natural alternative health and wellness, relationships, spiritual identity, issues of self, meditation, emotions, and prosperity consciousness. We’ll search out any subject that takes us further along the path toward higher health, success and consciousness.

Here are Some of the things you’ll learn
over the next 12 months include:

√ Security of life and its means. Thus, discovering how to break through fear and achieve the things you desire. Insecurity leads to emotional stresses that rob us of well-being:
√ The causes of negative or dysfunctional relationships – and how to prevent them;
√ The simple exercises which can allow your right brain creativity to flourish,
√ The secrets to optimum health that most people in this medical field don’t want you to know.
√ How to develop self-mastery.
The nature and purpose of disease.
The immense wisdom and providence of the body.
Nutritional bases of life.
Human physiology and anatomy and our dietary nature.
Harmful practices to avoid.
Common illnesses and disease and how a specific way of living can help.
The laws of life, unknown (or seems unknown) to conventional medicine.
How you can be healthier 6 months to 1 years from now than you are today.
How you can lose those unwanted pounds forever.
The PROTEIN MYTH and how it affects on your health.
How you can triple your energy quickly and effectively.
How you can eliminate stress forever.
The body mind connection.
Mental medicine and the health care system.
Practical applications you can use immediately
√And Much More…
When you know, what makes you and the world tick, this knowledge will liberate your mind, and you will discover how the super-achievers produce peak results (and you can too); and,
How to develop a sense of self-reliance and self-worth. Thrusting your ability to do things is essential to well-being. Thus, develop your true leadership abilities. And much more!
Of course, there’s much more, but this gives you an idea of the extensive results you’ll be achieving. Every month we’ll explore another aspect of how you shatter self-imposed limited beliefs and restrictions and experience breakthrough results in your life, health and career we’ll spend some time every month with each other.
We’ll learn together, you and I for I am not just the creator, producer or author of this entire series, I am simply a facilitator. I have spent my life seeking out people who are searching for answers, and running away from those who claim to have found them.
I don’t pretend to have all the answers and many times won’t even have the questions. But we can discover them together and create a mastermind of true health and dynamic development. We’re looking forward to a journey of challenges growth and adventure. We’ll do things bold, daring and imaginative and go to levels most can only speculate about.


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Let the Journey Begin’

Do I sound excited? Well that’s because I am! You know, there is nothing in the world more powerful or exhilarating than health-building, lifesaving information that works! So, take a few minutes of your time to read every single word of this revealing letter, because it contains privileged information that will produce the greatest health you have experienced for some time!
If Wanting to Restore Your Health is of interest to you or someone you know then you will want what I have to offer you in this program…
I have ranked this powerful health information package as being among the top 5 percent of the hottest Natural Health Related Discoveries of all time! In fact, with just a little effort on your part I predict that when you learn and apply this fabulous health secret you will eliminate your ailment or health problems and leave you looking and feeling 10-20 or 30 years younger – Guaranteed!
The powerful health and well-being information disclosed in this program is not only new and amazing, but refreshingly different from anything you have ever seen before! From cover to cover these privileged secrets are packaged for Effective Natural Health Renewal and Total Relief. All you have to do is combine these secrets with your health goals and watch your life start to change dramatically!
My powerful new natural health secrets have created explosive ways you can start feeling better and living healthier from day number one. If you want to look and feel 10-20 or 30 years younger starting now, you will be thrilled with the results of having dynamite information right from the beginning. If you are already trying to improve your health but having a difficult time achieving even the simplest goals, you will see a dramatic change once you receiving my program.
But let’s get specific! It’s a guide to restoring your health and increasing your longevity! It is, in fact, an opportunity to turn your life around using information that is vital to natural health success! I have the natural health secret program you need and I intend to share it with you no matter what other traditional “health” (decease treating Business) providers think! So, if you’re ready for action, this program will show you how to start looking younger and feeling healthy starting NOW!
Health is the Most Important Commodity That
We Possess! “Health Is Our Greatest Wealth””
With health everything is a source of pleasure; without it nothing else is enjoyable … the greatest of all irresponsibility is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness, whether it be for financial gain, advancement, learning, or fame; everything must be made secondary to Health!”
As the creator and developer of the “Super Health Inner Circle Coaching” program in Boynton Beach, FL, I witness almost weekly cases of physical wrecks that come to us as a last resort. Many have no hope, having been medically consigned to live only a few weeks or months.
But, after a few weeks in the Super Health Inner Circle Coaching program, they see marvelous recuperation and rejuvenation. With the Super Health Inner Circle Coaching program our members learn how to overcome asthma, arthritis, breast cancer, genital herpes, acne, and a host of other “incurable” problems. You’ll learn to do it on your own, so too just like all our members learn to overcome their problems on their own. They learn to assume full responsibility for their well-being. We cure them of their “run-to-the-doctor”syndrome by teaching them full reliance upon their own inherent powers of regeneration.
There are cases in our files of diabetics who were on insulin for 20 years or more who have gone off insulin completely within a week or two and been free of the problem since. I repeat that you can do this for yourself too! And, you also can free yourself of energy-draining problems by making a few salutary changes in the way you do things. You can improve your performance levels in all areas by increasing your strength and energies. Yes, you can really do this for yourself. And only you can do it-no one else can do it for you. You must take full responsibility for your life. This course will tell you how.
The Super Health Inner Circle Coaching course comes to you once a month for you to learn at your own speed and pace. Do not be overwhelmed by the immense amount of text and reference material you’ll receive. You may refer to this as the les­sons call for, or you may elect to read this material for the colossal benefits to be derived there from.
The information in The Super Health Inner Circle Coaching program can easily earn you several diplomas for those who satisfactorily pass it.
Though this course earns you no credits in conventional Colleges, you can, be sure you will be healthier and know more than any MD who is not in the health field but in the disease treating industry.
In presenting each coaching lesson, you’ll note that it begins with a RATIONALE. This is, very briefly, the exposition of the reasons the lesson has been brought into being. The intellectual justifications for its existence are set forth. Then you’ll proceed to the objectives of the lesson.
Set forth very briefly are the purposes of the lesson with a view to the expectations of improvement you can realize by adopting the lesson’s teachings.
Other features of each lesson are a section defining certain key words that are necessary to the expression of the text material. You’ll find key concepts highlighted so that you may readily acquaint yourself with them. This will aid you immensely in mastering and applying the data each lesson presents. Salient facts are presented so that you can have something to hang your hat on. These facts are verifiable in both the scientific literature and the reference materials we’ve submitted. The foremost fact around which each lesson is constructed deserves special attention. It is what you’ll build upon.
To facilitate your mastery of the lesson material, we have outlined it so you can see the scope of the lesson at a glance. The lesson outline will aid you tremendously should you ever wish to offer information about this lesson to others without any preparation and from your own knowledge with merely the outline as a prompter.
The body of the lesson presents at length the thematic material that constitutes the message. Following the lesson, you’ll find a synopsis that briefly summarizes the primary thrusts of the lesson. Perhaps one of the most valuable features (and there are many) of each lesson is the question-and-answer section. These questions are those ‘most frequently asked by readers and participants in seminars, lectures, discussions, etc.



As if all the above mentioned is not enough, each lesson has supplementary material for your consideration.

All in all, this coaching program in Super Health, Vitality and HIGH-ENERGY will prove the most thorough course of study you’ve ever undertaken and, certainly, the most rewarding. All done at home at your own pace, time and speed.

Does all of the above sound too good to be true?
Are our Health Secrets too good to be true?

So, incredible are the marvelous results obtained by those who adopt a regime with our Forbidden Health Secrets that most Americans, upon hearing of these wonderful recoveries, simply don’t believe them, they dismiss them as absurd, simply too good to be true. Yet all that is good can come only from that which is true!
Do you still have strong doubts about our revolutionary “Super Health Inner Circle Coaching program”? If so, who could blame you? After all, this program does sounds way too good to be true. Plus, if you’re like me, you have been ripped off, lie to, misled, and cheated so many times by so many people that you don’t know who to believe anymore.
After a while it’s easy to feel that all of the health programs being offered to you are nothing but lies. I think it’s good that you have your doubts about this program and all the other opportunities that you are considering. Yes, it’s good to have your doubts. In fact, it’s great to be skeptical! Why? Because when you are skeptical, nobody will ever take advantage of you.
Most health opportunity today offers you lotion, potions, powders or pills. Some will even go as far as to disguise their sales letter into a health or rejuvenating report and then within the report they recommend the lotions, potions, powders or pills that they sell.
We have none of that! Our Approach is sharply different From All the Others! Because the world at large has a medical (pathology) mentality, even those who consider themselves to be health aware are at risk. Great masses of people worldwide, including some 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 plus who patronize health food stores and think of themselves as being well informed are victims of medical misconceptions.
For example, conventional health seekers think in terms of “cures” being available to them from outside the body. By that I mean from medicine, drugs, vitamins, minerals, herbs, proteins and other deficiencies. Whereas medical practitioners look to drugs for cures, health seekers look for some magic food or herb to do the trick. Almost all are of the frame of mind that disease is inevitable unless it’s prevented. And offer you a whole host of lotions, potions, powders or pills for almost any disease, costing you hundreds of dollars per month!
Our Super Health Coaching Program Approach is that Exuberant and Radiant Health is Normal and Natural, and that Suffering, Sickness and Disease is Abnormal, Unnatural and Unnecessary. But you need our SECRETS that nobody dares to reveal (even if they knew of them!) The Super Health Inner Circle Coaching program will reveal to you all our health “SECRETS” each and every month!


Are You Skeptical still? … You are still skeptical, aren’t you? … Of course, you are! In a situation like this I really don’t expect you to believe me…So why not Join the “Super Health INNER CIRCLE COACHING” program RIGHT NOW and see for yourself…Because I Guarantee that this is a limited offer and I am so positive that you will be successful that I am willing to make an offer that takes away all the risk…Because I am going to give you a chance to really inspect the program $1 for 30 days… But here is a strong warning: I you are too skeptical you will become cynical. And once you are cynical, you will lose your chances of learning anything different and new.
Understand that before we humans can intellectually accept new ways of doing things, we must justify in our own minds the wisdom of the step. We must fit it into our mental world in a meaningful pattern. The thrust of the Super Health Inner Circle Coaching program is to reorient your outlook upon body total health and energies. Understanding their correct contexts in your life functions is essential to constructing a program that assures you adequate health, energies and vitality in all aspects of your being as well as in all pursuits you may prudently elect.
Without a concept that correctly embodies truths that will replace misconceptions and errors surrounding prior practices, new ideas have little or no meaning and, in fact, are usually rejected by most of us. We humans have an affection for following our initial teachings and acquired practices, be they correct or erroneous, be they beneficial or harmful.
The endeavor of this coaching is to reveal to you the nature of health and the energies you use, how they come to be available to you and how you can use them for your greater enjoyment and enrichment.
The purpose of this coaching in general is to impress you with a general awareness of your body, its nature, wisdom, providence, and its unceasing efforts to enhance your well-being.
Unless you are aware of the why fore-unless you understand what your body is all about-unless you know the scientific bases for the changes you may need to make to conform to your biological crucial necessities.
“The super health Inner Circle coaching program” is offered separately and the “Super wealth Inner Circle Coaching program” also offered separately or you can join both program called the Super Health and Wealth Inner Circle Coaching System. The choice yours.
For the Secrets to better health that will simply amaze you. Join the” Super Health Inner Circle coaching program” “YES! I’m Ready to Get Started!”



So now let me ask you… Have you ever thought to yourself: “I’m just never going to be healthy” If so, you and I are kindred spirits. 45 years ago I spent my first few years So frustrated. So disheartened. So paralyzed with fear. So down on myself feeling defeated. So torn inside, saying to myself – do I give up or keep going?

Yes, At times I got angry. At times I got sad. at times I felt worse and even sicker. At times I wanted to cry… And sometimes I did. Here’s the thing. It’s okay to cry and want to give up. Because succeeding in getting healthy from where you are sometimes is HARD! We call it a healing crisis!

However, The key to achieving that success is to NEVER actually give up. If you need to cry, that’s cool. Use it to take you further.

Let me ask you something else… Do you ever feel strong on the outside but weak like that on the inside?

I get it. The journey to health and freedom from diseases will chew you up and spit you out many times over. But today, I feel called to tell you this. You cannot, not get healthy. You cannot, not get ridiculously healthy. You cannot, not get mastery.

Here’s what I mean… If you’ll just keep doing the work, keep learning, and keep investing in yourself, you’ll get good. You can’t not. It’s like playing an instrument. You might suck as bad as I do – I can’t even play one song. But I think you’ll agree with me on this… Assuming you had an instrument mentor who was a master… If you were to practice an hour or two every day for the next year, you’d get pretty good.

If you continued practicing an hour or two a day for two or three years, you’d get ridiculously good. If you continued practicing an hour or two a day for five to ten years, you’d get mastery. We all know that’s the case with a skill like playing the that instrument. But many somehow think it’s different with a skill like learning to be healthy that can also earn you a fortune and create the lifestyle of your dreams.

It’s no different. You just have to keep putting in the time! You just need two things:

1.) A mentor who is a master.
2.) To practice every day.

Everyone can have #1 easily – but not everyone is willing to do #2. The secret is to get out there and actually practice. Go do it. As I said, getting good at something takes time. But it also takes reps. You can’t avoid the work and expect to get good. But in order to practice more in YOUR HEALTH and to learn more, you need a strategy for learning the truth.

And this is where mastering your health strategy comes in. If you want to get instant access to a “MONTHLY” Natural Health Course that is true and 100% effective, click the link below now:

However, there are two types of people: Those who will freeze & just HOPE things will get better. And those that will gain new skills and take the action needed to THRIVE. Go to the link below and ask yourself… WHICH TYPE WILL YOU BE?

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