Personal and Private Consultations.
”Our personal consultation PREVENTS You from:
And Many Others…
Unlike all the other so called health programs, we do not use lotion, potion, powder or pill. It’s not a gadget or a gimmick. It’s not a drug or medication.
It’s a 100% effective Natural Health system GUARANTEE! Depending on you present health status and how much medical interventions you’ve being going. (This will be determined on your first consultation)
We believe that “The conventional medical system is entirely false. That it is untrue in philosophy, absurd in science, in opposition to natural principles, contrary to common sense, disastrous in results and a curse to humanity”.
Before we start with the first session of you consultation program, Please keep in mind that everything in each session is presented and designed to give you the power over your health and well-being. (Not a doctor, government agency, high-tech machine, or germ). We want to empower you so you can be free of sickness, free of pain, free of misery. You’ll see that attaining good health for the rest of your life and for a long life is not as complicated as you’ve been led to believe. So buckle up, keep an open mind, and enjoy the ride. I’m going to show you that there’s nothing wrong with your body that you and nature can’t fix. In fact, if your body can’t fix it nothing can.
The content of each sessions are presented in a sequential order that builds as it goes, so skipping around will not allow you to fully understand and appreciate not just the technical information, but the concrete and real concepts. If you must skip around, please eventually read the whole session, since that’s the only way you’ll be able to learn all suppressed information, and methods, that can help you understand, avoid, and reverse just about any disease. We also recommend that you’ll read the information given at each session.
Personal Consultation and How It works.
Health & Nutritional Guidance Center (HNGC)
Dr. Laurence Galant
Don’t Risk Your Health! Enjoy a better quality of life with our seven Phase Health and Nutritional Program:
1. Evaluation: Provides a thorough examination of your current health habits. Information obtained here is used to create your “Personal Health Plan”. (two sessions)
2. Orientation: An overview of nutrition and health. Topics covered include: Digestion, nutrition, food combining, and health maintenance.
3. Body Detoxification: Pollution is everywhere; In the water, in the air, even in some of the foods we eat. Pollution can build-up in the body and weaken your body s resistance to disease. The NGC program gives you techniques that allow your body rid itself of these chemical toxins.
4. Nutritional Transition: This is where your personal dietary habits are slowly rearranged to a more natural and nutritional diet, which would be in harmony with physiology and in agreement with digestive chemistry.
5. Nutritional Guidance: This part of the program covers: Meal Planning, weight loss or gain, and improved appearance.
6. Disease Prevention: To live a long and healthy life, you must learn to prevent diseases. This session gives you the tools. Covers the seven stages of the evolution of diseases.
7. Stress Management: Irritability, depression, insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue, and increasing incidence of health problems are some common symptoms of stress. This session helps you with relaxation and exercise techniques.
Dr. Galant provides an intensive Health and Nutritional program, which involves diet, nutritional and mental outlook on life.
Each protocol is highly individualised. Diets vary widely, from vegetarian diets to diets high in animal protein and progressively changed during the transition part of the program, but all diets require the use of unprocessed, organically grown foods. In addition, patients will be required to give up the use of alcohol, tobacco and many other toxic products, depending on each individual case. In some cases specialized supplements are recommended during the transition. These special supplements are liquid and consist of vitamins, minerals, enzymes.
In addition to the diet and supplements, each program involves a variety of detoxification procedures. We find that these procedures are critically important to the success of the nutritional program.
The initial evaluation requires two sessions; out of town patients must come to Boynton Beach, or North Miami Beach Florida to be evaluated. The first meeting involves a complete history, and usually takes an hour o more. In this session Dr. Galant evaluates and decides if you qualify for his program. If you do not qualify he will give you instructions for your best approach to your problem.
The second session may takes approximately an hour to an hour and a half: during this session, Dr. Galant reviews in depth his evaluation and the results. In addition, he reviews the patient’s diet, supplement, and detoxification programs, and in some cases Hypnosis & Visualization maybe used.
This Trade Mark system is called “The Galant Total Health Program”. Before an appointment can be made, prospective patients must contact the office for further information. All prospective patients must relay the details of their case to the office in a 10-15 minute phone interview (SEE Below). Dr. Galant then reviews this material, and if he approves, an appointment can then be scheduled. It is necessary for the patients themselves to call; not only does this give us more accurate information, but it also allows us to be sure that the patient understands the high degree of motivation and commitment the program demands.
The following Changes Are also Required… The kinds of changes which must be identified, of course, vary from individual to individual but, surprisingly, they almost always fall into the following categories:
1. Doing away with certain outmoded beliefs and superstitions that can only serve to hamper maintenance of full health or perhaps even destroy it, if it is now present. Remember your body is amazing, and your mind controls it ALL!
2. Causing a change in attitude through knowledge about the kind of habits in eating and lifestyle that are recognized as being destructive to health.
3. Develop a deep conviction about the need for the changes recommended by our practitioner, this obtained through knowledge of what is believed to be essential to health maintenance.
4. The introduction of positive actions through practice, gradually or abruptly, as individual situations and conditions warrant, eliminating all destructive habits and replacing them with natural, truly scientific, practices known to be instrumental in building health; not disease.
Phone Consultation $4.00 per minute (15 – min. Minimum.)
Office Visit $275.00 (1 Hour +)
All Follow up Visits $200.00 (45 min. to 1 Hour)
Phone Consultation 15 Minutes $60.
Phone Consultation 60 Minutes $240.
By Appointment only.
Make your appointment and get the Evaluation session. To begin the evaluation session process, the client should send a written summary of the problem that they are seeking help for, it must be written as if telling a story, rather than as an outline. this summary must include:
- Patient’s Name, date of birth and age.
- Address, phone number, Email and fax number (if you have one).
- How you were referred, or how you found out about this office.
- Any prior interest in nutrition or alternative medicine. (Such interest not required to become a patient.
- Type of illness, date it was diagnosed, extent of disease, recurrences.
- Date and kind of previous treatments.
- Current treatment recommendations.
- Attitude about treatments and current physicians.
- How diseas has effected daily life and activities, including ability to work.
- Any other significant health problems, past or present.
- All prescription medication.
- Height and weight, recent weight gain or loss.
- Difficulties in eating or swallowing capsules.
- History of smoking and or alcohol use.
- Immotional blockage of any kind. (anger, fears, panic attacks, guilt, stress, etc.
- Support system – family, friends spiritual.
- Who lives with patient, and relationship with person(s) in home.
- reason for wanting an appointment in this office (abrief statement of a few sentences is fine).When this summary is completed, it should be send or e-mailed to this office.When this is reviewed and accepted copies of relevant biopsy results, blood work results, CT or MRI written reports may be requested. (Not the actual films of CT scans or MRIs) E-mail us your detailed information, or request a consultation fill in form.
Doit yourself
SPECIAL MONTHLY COACHING MEMBERSHIP (For Private Clients Only)- Super Health Inner Circle Coaching Membership. One time Initiation
fee of $100.00 and $37.00 monthly. Membership fees for this program are not refundable but you can cancel anytime. By clicking on the subscribe button you’re agreeing to these terms. Click HERE to see if you qualify and what you will receive as a member of the “Super Health Inner Circle Coaching” program.
- Health Disclaimer (You must read our and agree to our Health Disclaimer before you complete any of the above)
Personal Coaching and Tutoring
Dr. Galant was born on April 7 1942. The above photo was taken May 2022 at age 80. Dr. Laurence Galant is the administrator and Created of the “Super Health Inner Circle Coaching” Program (SHICC). He is also the founder of The Health and Nutritional Guidance Center, the Galant Group Seminars and the Advance Hypnotherapy Center, he is a Board Certified Medical Clinical Hypnotherapist, Practitioner of “Neuro Linguistic” Programming (NLP) with a doctorate degree in Health and Nutritional Science from the America College of Health Science in Austin, TX in 1984. He is also a lifetime member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), and a member of The National Association of Certified Hypnotherapist and The National Council for Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCMCH). And above all a Truth In Health Researcher.
He is a dynamic leader whose self improvement seminars have shown thousands the way to successful lives. Dr. Galant developed his special methods and procedures from “Psycho-neuro-Immunology” (the healing power of the mind) and self-hypnosis, visualization, relaxation exercises, various combination of behavior modification, positive reinforcement and Neuro-Linguistics NLP (a way of quickly and effectively controlling your nervous system to produce change). Dr. Galant has been able to help people help themselves to overcome fears and phobias, trauma, depression, anxiety, stress, stop smoking, lose weight, build confidence and develop lasting relationships, usually with people who have been in therapy for years. “He is a highly Credentialed Hypnotherapist and Nutritionist you can trust.”
When you join the program, Dr. Galant health lessons is an effective non-threatening procedures to help you create as quickly as possible the changes you desire in your life. You will learn techniques that will help you to tap and use the other 99.9% of your mind. So easy, so safe, so simple its like pushing buttons. Because the healing power of the mind over the body is limitless. For more information and your FREE health book Click HERE
Dr. Galant started in 1980 his work has been cited in Your Health Magazine, Opportunity Magazine, The Home Reporter, Free-Enterprise Magazine, The Staten Island Advance and many more, including many radio programs.
Dr. Laurence Galant: A Beacon of Health and Vitality Through Natural Hygiene
Introduction: In a world inundated with health challenges and medical mysteries, the story of Dr. Laurence Galant stands as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, exploration, and holistic healing. As your consultant in holistic wellness, I am delighted to share the remarkable journey of Dr. Galant, whose unwavering commitment to health and vitality has inspired countless individuals worldwide.
The Journey of Discovery: Forty-five years ago, Dr. Laurence Galant found himself facing a myriad of health issues, including allergies, obesity, high blood pressure, indigestion, and numerous other ailments. Despite years of seeking answers through conventional medicine and various health modalities, he remained trapped in a cycle of illness and despair. Frustrated by the lack of results and disheartened by his deteriorating health, Dr. Galant embarked on a quest for answers that would ultimately lead him to the transformative principles of Natural Hygiene.
The Turning Point: Through tireless research, study, and experimentation, Dr. Galant delved deep into the realms of holistic health and natural healing, exploring a vast array of modalities and philosophies in search of a solution to his health challenges. It was during this journey of discovery that he encountered Natural Hygiene, a holistic health philosophy that resonated deeply with his innate understanding of the body’s inherent healing potential. Inspired by the promise of natural living and holistic wellness, Dr. Galant immersed himself in the study and application of Natural Hygiene principles, determined to reclaim his health and vitality once and for all.
The Transformation: Through dedicated study, diligent application, and unwavering commitment, Dr. Galant experienced a profound transformation in his health and well-being. By embracing the principles of Natural Hygiene, including proper nutrition, hydration, rest, exercise, and emotional well-being, he witnessed remarkable improvements in his health outcomes. Over time, his allergies disappeared, excess weight melted away, blood pressure normalized, and digestive issues became a thing of the past. Today, at the age of 82, Dr. Galant embodies the epitome of super health and vitality, inspiring others with his radiant energy, zest for life, and unwavering dedication to holistic wellness.
Legacy of Inspiration: As a beacon of health and vitality, Dr. Laurence Galant’s journey serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment for individuals seeking to reclaim their health and vitality. His unwavering commitment to natural living and holistic healing stands as a testament to the transformative power of embracing the body’s innate wisdom and supporting its natural healing processes. Through his teachings, writings, and example, Dr. Galant continues to inspire and empower others to embark on their own journey to optimal health and well-being.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the story of Dr. Laurence Galant is a testament to the transformative power of Natural Hygiene and the boundless potential of the human body to heal itself when supported with proper nutrition, hydration, rest, exercise, and emotional well-being. As your consultant in holistic wellness, I am honored to share Dr. Galant’s journey and invite you to embark on your own path to health, vitality, and well-being through the timeless wisdom of Natural Hygiene.
Holistic Wellness Consultan
Contact Dr. Laurence Galant to see if you qualify For the Personal Coaching and Tutoring!
[email protected]