It is critical for you to learn the Truth In Health and how you can take care of yourself and your Family.
The right to our own lives, bodies and health is being challenged at this very moment. It is urgent that you learn how to care for yourself so you won’t be a victim of any new “system” of fad that come along. You may find it very enlightening to realize that germs, viruses, and other microorganisms do not cause diseases. It is an ignorant and dangerous myth that the pharmaceutical companies keep alive to exploit you and your children.
It is necessary that you study, understand, and practice the Truth In Health way of living. There is more to life than food. Too many people think they will be Herculean merely because they changed their eating habits, and when they do, they are content with the half-way route, rationalizing that other people have lived to be 105 eating haphazardly. They fail to see that these “other people” had different environments, different habits of emotions, a different genetic structure, and different life paradigms. Most long-lived individuals do not perceive life as a stressful thing.
Remember that there is not only one cause that kills us most of the time, but multiple, enervating habits, factors and influences that do us in. If we understand this we will begin to search for all causes of disease, doom and death in our lives and cast each one out as it were Poison Personified. It takes practice perseverance, faith in our living organism and in a higher being, to live correctly.
It is an intimidating task in this environment of instant gratification and self-indulgent living. You will be different. You will be different because of an inner knowledge that you can live in harmony with the way you are build.
Therefore, take responsibility for your own health. You will be rewarded with magnificent health not often found in the modern world. It is important to know without question, and from experience, that poisonous vaccines do not prevent disease and destructive drugs cannot ‘cure” disease. The body alone heals it self, and you alone can cause it to do so.
Nothing has changed in the world. In fact, things are getting worse because people follow with blind obedience without taking responsibility and doing their own research to learn the truth instead of following the crowd through the medical assembly line. You can help change the world!
So, in order to prevent from having to deal with people who may never even read this information, I have placed three stipulations for anyone who wants to become a member.
Click below and Complete the form.
Enclosed your membership fee.
Respond within 7- days.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. In the almost five decades that I have been in this “health” field, I have never seen anything like it. The 3 request will insure my members and I are not wasting time with people who are “Indifferent”, or unconcerned or uncaring, we are looking for people who seriously want to be healthy and wealthy!
“The wellness industry will exceed $1 trillion annually by the end of 2010 ~ Paul Zane Pilzer. American Economist, you can read his book – The Next Trillion”. However, it is now 2023, and you missed 13 years. Stop missing the opportunity and get in the wellness industry. Join with us NOW see below!
So, if you knew the “Secrets” that will” PREVENT You from CANCER, ASTHMA, HEART DISEASE, ALZHEIMER, CHRONIC PAIN and suffering…And Many Others…
Wouldn’t you want to tell the world RIGHT NOW? Of course you would…anyone would!
(And, “THE SECRET” is not a lotion a potion a powder or a pill. It’s not a gadget or a gimmick. It’s not a drug or medication. It’s a 100% effective Natural Health system GUARENTEE! And, you can easily learn it in a very short period of time in your own home and at your own pace.)
And Yet, in spite of all the great advances in many branches of science, we are still in a period of prehistory, and Dark Age in our thinking about health, disease and healing.
Therefore, I ask you now, Is America a Healthy Country? Well, You decide!
* 1 out of 2 Americans will die of heart disease.
* 1 out of 3 Americans will die of Cancer.
* The third cause of death following heart disease and cancer is medical errors.
* Diabetes is on the rise and catching up with heart disease and cancer.
* 70% are overweight yet, nearly all are malnourished in one way or another despite gross overeating.
* More than 51 percent suffer from at least one chronic disease.
* Way Over 100,000,000 will spend some time in a hospital each year!
* Over 50% to 75% of Americans suffer from chronic digestive disorders.
* Over 200,000.00 yearly will die from the so-called side effects or adverse reactions to drugs which are perfumed language for “poison effects.”
* Almost every baby born in America has already been drugged before birth, either by physicians or by drugs in the mother’s blood stream when she is drugged (which is often!)
* There are about 55,000,000 insomniacs in America.
* An estimated 100,000,000 Americans suffer high blood pressure. And blood pressure is on the rise.
* Over 35,000,000 Americans suffer from “mental illness.”
* There are over 95 percent sugar addicts in America.
* 46.5 million Adults with diagnosed arthritis. The worst part is that they have become an accepted part of society because of having existed for so long.
* Over 200,000,000 Americans are hooked on one or more drug habits!
I have more shocking news for you: by the time you go to bed tonight, about 400 or more normal, “healthy” people will do exactly what their doctors tell them to do… and then die.
And that’s not all…
Thousands more will not die, but they will suffer — just because they followed their doctor’s orders.
And that’s still not all …
Millions more people — maybe even you — will spend every single day suffering needlessly with anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, stomach problems, sexual dysfunction and many other kind of discomfort. All with the full knowledge and helpless acceptance of their doctors. And, all because they think they’re being helped. There you have it! America is NOT a healthy country…
I could go on with a seemingly endless resume of such statistics, but why do so? The National Center for Health Statistics of the U.S. Public Health Service publishes volumes that reflect the widespread pathology of Americans. Almost daily we see such statistics published in newspapers, magazines and periodicals. I trust that you’re convinced that good health in America is a myth that matters are in a terrible state and getting worse.
“The conventional medical system is entirely false. That it is untrue in philosophy, absurd in science, in opposition to natural principles, contrary to common sense, disastrous in results and a curse to humanity”.
I am certain now that you will undertake to do something constructive about the situation. Fortunately, you can protect yourself and your loved ones. You can learn the truth about Health. You can discover safe, natural “health Secrets” all available now in the most complete health system ever published called the “Super Health Inner Circle Coaching” program (SHICC). I want to rush a copy of the first monthly subscription lesson of this life-saving program to you to use for 30 days FREE of any risk.
But first I must alert and Warn you:
The “Natural Health Secrets” you’re about to experience are not for the weak of heart. The information presented throughout the pages may shock, or even offend you because you’ve been lie to. You’ve been told half-truths, part-truths, no-truths, and outright lies. You’ve been trained to think and believe in a certain way, or certain things. again, they are all lies, and I can prove it scientifically!
That, my friend, is how 99.9% of the population is controlled! “Get them to think and believe that they have no power to control they situations and circumstances in life”… And, Millions of dollars are spent to keep these secrets from you!
For example: wearing masks and promising salvation with vaccines, only guarantees large financial returns for some. And, All of that was possible by simply relying on the most powerful activator of human decision-making process – FEAR! When people are in FEAR they are easily controlled. The powers that Be have made fortunes from what you don’t know … Well, not anymore! Take control of your health and your life NOW!
The members of this program, myself included, (and I created and developed it) We like you to know that we are incredibly serious about helping you achieve real dynamic health and a life changing income, and we won’t let anything or anyone stand in our way. You also must not Let Yourself Get in The Way of Achieving Your Own Success! A choice, and choice is the problem and the solution.
If you want things in your life to change, you must change things in your life…especially you must change the way you THINK! Also a choice!
Here is what you get:
PLesson 1 – Introduction to HEALTHOLOGY as a way of life.
PLesson 2 – The nature and purpose of disease
PLesson 3 – Introducing the HEALTHOLOGY System for perfect health,
PLesson 4 – Program for perfect health,
PLesson 5 – Introduction to Nutritional Science (Plant Base Nutrition)
PLesson 6 – The immense wisdom and providence of the body
PLesson 7 – Carbohydrates: fuel for the human body
PLesson 8 – Proteins in the diet
PLesson 9 – Vitamins: the metabolic wizard of life processes
PLesson 10 – The role of minerals in human nutrition
PLesson 11 – Fats in the diet
PLesson 12 – The role of acid and alkaline substances within the body.
Will You Stand with Us? And Join the... “Super Health Inner Circle Coaching and Apprenticeship System. Something is coming into your life, that will change everything in a very positive way. In this special offer, you will uncover… That an unhealthy person can find offense in pretty much anything he/she does. A healthy person understands that the actions of others has absolutely nothing to do with them. Each day you get to decide which one you will be. It’s time for you to commit these simple grounds rules for a better you. Order your special offer today. Find out more inside this Mind Body Health program.
Complete the Sign Up form below with YOUR information Choose Your option and order (SHICC) program (We can also do PayPal) [email protected] Or Make Check or money order Payable to: Dr Laurence Galant (for one trial lesson online GO TO: )
If you like to be an affiliate and want to earn extra money just by telling others about our Natural Health Program, your Member # (will be assigned when you join) we use the last 4 digits of your Social Security # below. (If you don’t know your sponsor ID#, or it’s not listed above, you can also contact us ether by email/mail or by phone. 561-498-2675
Do you really “Want” to WAIT Anymore? How much do you really “Want” something? “Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not hope, not wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything” ~ Napoleon Hill. ~
“Your Health is Your Business”, NOT the Government, the Medical profession or the pharmaceutical industry!
However, In spite of all the above truth In Health information, there are still two types of people: Those who will freeze & just HOPE things will get better. And those that will gain new skills and take the action needed to THRIVE. NOW, go above read the information again and ask yourself… WHICH TYPE WILL YOU BE?
HEALTH DISCLAIMER Because we are discussing highly sensitive health information, this requires us to include the following statement: “The originators and producers of this book, health program and health system do NOT prescribe to any of the material concepts and techniques presented in this publication as a form of treatment for any illness or medical conditions, nor is the intent of the originators or producers to diagnose or prescribe. The intent is to offer Natural Alternative Health Related “Information” to assist you and working with any health specialist you may choose now and in the future. Recognizing that within the health, medical, dietary and exercise field, there are widely diverging viewpoints and opinions. Before beginning any practices related to health, diet and exercise program, it is highly recommended that you first consult a recognized medical professional. Should you choose to make use of the information contained herein without first consulting a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself which is your right, and the creators and producers of this program do not assume any responsibility whatsoever under any conditions or circumstances. “We trust you consider carefully the information we discuss, because we believe it contains extremely important health issues.
Financial Disclaimer: All references and resources that are available for purchase and download are opinions and are for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice. Any action you take upon the information is strictly at your own risk.
There is no guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Please read the terms and conditions and earnings disclaimer below for more information.
Since you are reading this I trust that you are a reasonable person who uses common sense. I trust that you understand that if you start investing tomorrow, you will most likely not become rich in the first month. I do not promote “get rich quick schemes”. Becoming a wealthy investor usually takes time and effort, unless you are very lucky. I’m sure that you understand this, but there are many people who aren’t as smart as you. For legal reasons I need to mention the following:
There is no guarantee that employing the same techniques, ideas, strategies, products, or services mentioned and the resources available for purchase will produce any result. The material provided and in the resources available for purchase is not to be interpreted as a “get rich quick scheme” in any way. Your earning potential is entirely dependent upon you. RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. YOU MUST MAKE AN EFFORT. Whether you are successful in employing the techniques and strategies provided and in the resources available for purchase is dependent upon but not limited to a number of factors, including your skills, financial resources, knowledge, and time you devote to becoming successful. Therefore, I cannot and do not guarantee your income level.