The Truth About Fruit Sugar!
“1. Handled differently by the body than processed sugar.
2. It is simple sugar (intrinsic) which the body and brain run on.
3. Optimal form of energy for us humans.
4. Brings alkalinity and vitality to our cells.
5. Reverses acidosis and strengthens cells.
6. All sugars are not the same. 7. Fruit sugar does NOT need to be limited. Does NOT cause diabetes.
This is a Carnivore
What are you? Are you a Carnivore, Omnivorous, Herbivore or something else? Find out…
Carnivore FACT – Physiological Food: meat (Hunts, kills and eats dead animals. Can Humans do that?) has 4 paws with claws, walks on 4 paws, mouth opens large, with great sharp fangs and short and pointed incisors, also blade shaped molars. “Are We Meat-Eaters?” To learn more you must be a member! “ARE YOU A MEAT EATER”? Learn the truth! “FOR MEMBERS ONLY”: JOIN NOW!
Divide and Conquer!
It has frequently been observed that terror can rule absolutely only over people who are isolated against each other and that therefore one of the primary concerns of tyrannical government is to bring this isolation about. Isolation may be the beginning of terror; it certainly is its most fertile ground; it always is its result. This isolation is, as it were, pretotalitarian; its hallmark is impotence insofar as power always comes from people acting together, acting in concert; isolated people are powerless by definition.” STOP Blind Obediance”
Dr Laurence Galant “Natural Health Program”! Everything entering the human body either is vital to its economy or it is a poison. “Your Health is Your Business”, NOT the Government, the Medical Profession or the Pharmaceutical Industry! STOP listening to the lies! While millions of Americans are struggling to survive under the Draconian rule of incompetent Government officials and so called health “experts,” Big Tech Robber Barons who are laughing all the way to the bank. We also have the Global Elites who believe they are superior to us and should tell us how to live. For our own good of course. We can’t be trusted to live a productive life… they want to decide how we live. They actually believe they are a wiser more advanced form of human who knows what’s best for Mother Earth and all of us! STOP following with “Blind Obedience”.
Brand New Health Program for unlimited Vigorous Health.
JOIN OTHERS IN BRINGING HEALTH TO AMERICA. There is much YOU can do to help bring health to America and become a part of a movement that has as its goal the total elimination of disease from America – in fact, the whole human race! The purpose of our lessons are to introduce you to the philosophy, principles and practices of “Healthology” a 100% effective health system and to the course/lectures. The primary concept is that health is normal and natural. And, further, that perfect health results from observing in practices the causes of health. This suggests that disease is abnormal, unnatural and, therefore unnecessary. Therefore, all of us are obligated to ourselves and to those whose lives we touch to learn and implement a valid health program that agrees with our biological necessities. “Your Body is Amazing… And Your Mind Controls it ALL!”
The Collapse of the American Life and Health. Is it finally here?
We help you “ALIMINATE MIND, BODY AND THE ROLE OF FEAR”!This is a journey through your life which takes you to your past and your future and bringing you back to the present HEALTHY full of energy and enthusiasm. When you beging using our programs, you will finally get the results that you were promissed!
“The Mind is Everything. What you think you Become.” ~ Buddah Just how powerful are you and your mind? I’m going to show you some amazing stuff here! You just have to decide what’s important to you… more of the same or real change! LEARN MORE
This is one of the things you must do for the best of you! “EDUCATION”
“There will never be a cure for the common cold because the cold is the cure”. Take full responsibility and Educate yourself, do your own research and think on your own. Health is our greatest wealth! With health everything is a source of pleasure; without it nothing else is enjoyable … the greatest of all mistake and unfortunate decision caused by bad judgment or lack of information is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness, whether it be for financial gain, advancement, learning, or fame; “everything must be made secondary to Health! So, Who can you count on with your health? You are the only one who can think for you, breath for you, eat for you, exercise for you, get sunshine for you, etc. The only one responsible and the only one you can count on is YOU! Stop the insane thoughts that someone else will one day fix it for you. This insanity is keeping you trapped and repeating the same mistakes. It’s down to you, it always has been, it always is and it always will be… get over it.
The people who visit this website are people who realise that there is something missing with the way we are taught on how to be health and live a healthier life. The problem is that until now the whole world of health education has taught us ‘deseases,’ but no one before has ever taught ‘HEALTH.’ CHECK IT OUT! HEALTH IN AMERICA IS A MYTH!
What Our Clients Say
“The best health training I have taken so far. Health reality is laid out in an easy to comprehend manner. They don’t just tell you what the problem is; they give you a road map to strike back. Absolutely a must-do monthly training.”This is an AMAZING course. Filled with powerful messages that are easy to understand yet help you to really think about your life and the power that you do have in creating it. My life has been completely transformed.
Anna Johnson
“The lessons and training were extremely informative and educational – your real-world experience and anecdotes really hit home and were relevant to the materials. They are pretty intense lessons – lots of information in each lesson, but we got through it!” We find that with Dr. Galant’s approach to natural health, things just click into place. We reccomend it the lessons for anybody.
Eric Black
I am so excited about your course I feel as if I’m intoxicated. What a thrill it would be to see the whole world thusly intoxicated. Slowly I have eliminated many bad habits, it seems that everything I was doing was just a succession of bad habits. What many others promise Dr. Galant actually delivers – clear, simple, no-nonsense, practical steps to building a healthy and successful life. Thank you so much.
John Collins
Join us. It will only take a minute
Our Awesome Team
We practiced our 100% effective Health System for over 45 years and enjoing great health. And, have only recently offered our health secret to the public. We focus on helping people stay healthy and avoid diseases with our natural approach. We studied people from all over the world who led healthy lifestyles, as well as those who’ve enjoyed longevity, reaching old age and exceeding the average mortality rate of the average human being.
Dr. Laurence Galant
Founder & CEO
Dr. Laurence Galant is the administrator and Created of the “Super Health Inner Circle Coaching” Program (SHICC) with a doctorate degree in Health and Nutritional Science above all a Truth In Health Researcher.
At 16 years young she started as a professional skater and a professional dancer and at age 25 moved up to a high fashion model. Was featured in many modeling magazines. Today at age 84 is very healthy and active and still dancing Argentine tango.
Horst Seibert
Marketing Director
Horst Seibert hase a diverse background in sales and marketing, with over 20 years in sales he understands the complexity of people and their needs. As a natural problem solver he has a great attitude and pays attention to the details that matter. His mission is to help others better themselves.
Dr. Laurence Galant & Lillian Monella
Creative Directors
We provides an intensive Health program, which involves Lifestyle and mental outlook on life. (Mind Set) Each protocol is highly individualised. Can vary widely, during the transition part of the program,
100% effective Health System
LEARN AT Home at Your Own Pace And Time.
1000’s Subscribers and many affiliates
Latest News
Fruit is the natural diet of mankind. America and the world is still in the dark ages in their thinking when it comes to health and diseases. If you are interested in knowing how to get well and be healthy, it is first absolutely necessary and required for you to understand the laws of life. It is the only True philosophy of health. TruthIhHealth, the future of health! “When you find yourself on the side of popular opinion it’s time to pause and reflect”– Mark Twain
This is a FREE 90 “in person” workshop and you are invited to attend. it takes place every other month in North Miami Beach and In Boynton Beach, FL. You Must register to attend the seminar. Click on the LEARN MORE buttone above.
Have Questions or Concerns?
CONTACT us at anytime for anything!
Superstitions Die Hard
A superstition is any belief or practice based upon one’s trust in luck or other irrational, unscientific, or supernatural forces. Often, it arises from ignorance, a misunderstanding of science or causality, a belief in fate or magic, or “fear” of that which is unknown. Beliefs are divises by which we are all self enslave. Beliefs are just that beliefs! Neither thousands of years in time nor billions of believers make them true. Long practices does not transform error into truth. Truth does not require belief. We do not use the word believe in settiting forth what we know.
Example: For thousands of years’ humans believed that the earth was flat and millions of people continue to live with this belief – false though it was. Neither time nor millions of believers flattened the earth. Truth is not something that is verified by popular vote. Acknowledged superstitions of today were “science” of yesteryears. And, much of today’s “science” will be found to be superstitious foolishness and madness in the years to come. LEARN MORE
Exclusive for people who are “HEALTH ORIENTED”!
Introducing a revolutionary system of health – a thorounghly effective system that: Bring vibrant health to those embrace it!
Makes disease a nightmare of the past. It enables the ailing to rather quickly overcome illness and ailments, even “incurable” ones of long standing. This includes acne, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, most cases of backaches, tinnitus, venereal disease, most case of diabetes, tumors, obeswity, most health problems and all other problems where irreversable organic injury has not been suffered.
Enables you to save thousands of dollars for yourself and your family every year!
Frees you of the curse of sickness! You neede never again suffer headaches, colds, coughs, heartburn, indigestion. You’ll be free of the fear of disease – you never need worry about cancer or any pother health issues!
Enaqbles you to have increased brainpower and mental alertness: newfound strenght, stamina, vigor and energy: a radiant new complexion and skin tone: and an improved figure and appearance. If you are over 40 you can look and feel up to 20 years younger in 30 days! And younger people enjoy long-extended youth! reduce your medical, hospital, drug and related expenses to zero!
Seating is limited!
To reserve your place in this or in one of our future FREE 90 minutes Health Event click below. NOW!