Scientific Bases for Frugivour/Vegetarian
If you are looking for the Scientific Bases for frugivour Vegetarianism, I suggest, instead, that you look for the science bases of the human dietetic character.
As perhaps you know science is the systematic observation, study and organization of phenomena and knowledge to the end that it might be applied for human benefit.
So, that which does not work is not scientific and that which does is obviously scientific.
For instance, observation of animals in “nature” reveal them to be healthy, fit and sickness-free.
They have no science – they live by their instincts. Obviously living by instincts is scientific.
Do not humans have instincts? If so, would they not thrive by observing them to the extent possible within the context and circumstances of today’s modern life?
In all nature what do you find to be attractive to the eye, tantalizing to the sense of smell and a gustatory delight to consume just as delivered up by nature?
This consideration alone rejects all consideration of dietary categories except one. Aesthetically you’d appreciate only one type of food.
Obviously you can’t relish meats raw.
Obviously you can’t relish milk taken naturally.
Obviously you are not a weed eater. Nor a grass eater, nor a leaf eater.
Obviously you are not a graminivore.
Obviously you are not an insectivore.
Then what are you?
The only category of foods that attracts you in their raw, natural state is none other than fruits. And the nutritional science we teach is not in terms of the 5 or 4 which conventional nutrition teaches (really a division of the junk food marketplace, or the SAD, Standard American Diet), but the nutrients we need and where they can be aesthetically and effectively if not easily obtained.
These nutrients are glucose, amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.
Practically every fruit you can name has everything you need in about the exact proportion that you body requires it, that is , aside from water and fiber which we also require from food, about 90% glucose, about 5% amino acids about 2% minerals, about 2% fatty acids and about 1% vitamins and miscellaneous food factors such as auxones and hormones.
The body digests all down to basic components, then absorbs and utilizes them.
The human natural food have a great advantage over other categories – they are symbiotic with our being – they are developed by nature to meet our needs ideally and they are even predigested!
If you want to read about food science I suggest that you read “Diet, Nutrition and Cancer” issued by the National Academy Press in 1982 and authored by members of the national Research Council. Chapter 13 tell you about the dire consequences of heating protein and fats.
Mutagens and carcinogens (really the same thing) are created which beget the multitude of diseases from which humans suffer.
I suggest that you look up milk researchers in the Index Medicus. Osteoporosis is rampant ONLY in milk drinking countries! Because milk’s calcium is bound up in its indigestible casein and because, when its broken down, its phosphorus and proteins bind more calcium than it has, milk is a negative calcium experience.
Calcium uptake is about 15% less in milk drinkers than in those who eat only fruits according to the researchers of Dr. Heaney of Creighton University, Omaha.
The Index Medicus is published annually by the Department of Health and Human Resources. It refers to articles and researches worldwide and constitutes as high as 25 volumes per annum.
The diet book I just referred to has over 100 researchers listed which document its position that cooked foods are mutagens and carcinogens.
There are virtues greater than being scientific – like thinking for yourself, understanding the world and being compassionate.
Science is not cold and detached – science really involves itself in human well-being – it involves itself in every facet of human welfare. Every nefarious scheme these days is done in the name of science.
I trust that, once you learn our true nature, that you’ll devote yourself to the propagation of what is true and good – what is really scientific.
“Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” ~ William Jennings Bryan