I think that everything we are Being Told Is a Lie. The stock market, bond market, currency market, commodities market, the real estate market are all 100% rigged. And so is the Government, and the medical and pharmaceutical industry. If they would tell us the truth, they would be out of business. What do you think?
“I admit, what I’m about to tell you is hard to believe, if you believe me great, if you don’t believe me I’ll make it worth your while and change your mind. Let me explain, if your serious about discovering a true health program and ready to stop screwing around with so called health lies, what I’m about to tell you is a simple formula that when you apply this formula it works every time, and achieves real health freedom”.
Dear Friend: This letter is about Health. Even though you may be feeling fine right now, your health could suddenly be struck down out of the blue. Sadly, it happens to millions… but it doesn’t have to happen to you.
What if I told you of an amazing discovery that could help shield you from just about every major health problem, help turn every organ in your body younger and stronger, including your memory and brain health, so you once again have the body, memory and brain clarity of a 30-years-young?
My name is Dr, Laurence Galant and I am the founder of the “Truth In Health” program. I’m writing to you today to tell you about a discovery that will help you roll back the clock so you stay healthy and vibrant your entire life, even if it’s 100 years plus. And unlike all others we have no lotions, potions, powders or pills of any kind. And, no drugs or medications, no gadgets or gimmicks.
THIS GROUNDBREAKING health discovery is NOT new, but, the general public knows nothing about it. Right now, it’s in the hands of only a very small group of movers and shakers. I’m proud to say we at the Truth In Health have had first crack on marketing it and bring it to your attention. And we laugh at sickness and old age. Even though most of us are in our 60s, 70s, and even 90s and 100s, we are active and in better shape than regular folks half our age. However, there is a catch, you must study it, learn it, and most importantly, you must use it.
And, if you give me just a few minutes of your time, I’ll reveal how this Natural Health Program can roll back the clock to help you stay healthy and mentally sharp practically forever.
Have you ever wonder what would happen if you suddenly got sick? Or even worse, diagnosed with a life-threatening illness that prevents you from earning a living and taking care of your family, that draining your retirement savings and robbed you from the simple joys of life.
It happens to good people every day. And, if it happens to you, what good would all the possessions and money in the world do? Absolutely nothing.
Sure you can have money, a nice car, a gorgeous home and travel to cities all over the world. But it all amounts to a big fat zero if your body is breaking down.
We both know that you can have every imaginable material possession in the world, but I believe that you would gladly exchange everything in a heartbeat for the most important gift of all… Good Health. That’s why they say, “When you have your Health, you have everything”.
Health is the most important commodity that we possess, if we lose it, financial riches have absolutely no value. Imagine that you are sick and that you have been told that there is nothing that anyone can do, and now imagine that you have million of dollars in your bank account, how valuable would that be?
As a member in good standing of the Natural Health and longevity program, you’ll get the inside scoop on all of our health secrets. And that includes our biggest secret of all that will change your life forever. In fact, it just may prove to you to be the “Magic Health Bullet” we’ve all been hoping for from modern science.
Let me explain…
DO YOU Suffer From Any Of The Following Health Problems? Do you know someone who does?
Fatigue Low Energy, Depressed Immune System, Colds and Flu, Unexplained Illness, Digestive Problems, Memory Loss, Toxic Invaders, Headaches Migraines, Loss of Sex Drive …Or Many others like… Free radicals, Bio-toxins, Parasite. And more.
I am sure that you have heard about all of them, maybe even more, or possibly even worse! These are scary sounding words that can be detrimental to your health… Now You Can Protect Yourself From Harmful Toxins!
And, Like I Said above, the best part is that in our health program there are No lotions, potions, or scum from the ocean, no powders or pills…No gadgets or gimmicks to sell! … Just plain truthful natural health information and education that you will receive every month. If you like.
Just keep on reading…
ANNOUNCING America’s Most Astonishing New Health
Discovery and Personal High-Energy Development!
Now at last, there is a way that you can change your life for the better. And, to be really successful in life and in business you need to be healthy and you need to have lots of energy or you will quit, you will not have the discipline and perseverance to succeed, I mean really Succeed!
With our Totally Effective Natural Health System, YOU CAN… Look forward to a future Knowing… That you’ll never be sick again. That you’ll never have a “heart attack” or stroke. That you’ll never be tormented by cancer or tumors. That you’ll never suffer arthritis, backaches, diabetes, ulcer, psoriasis, high blood pressure, overweight or any other debilitating and deadly health challenge. That you’ll never suffer even as much as another cold, headaches, upset stomach, cough, sore throat, inflammation or anything else.
That you can guide family members, friends or anyone else to easily overcome almost any ailments or problem from which the may suffer! YES, you can have that kind of certainty in your life NOW! With our program you will learn all of the above, plus much more. Our program will introduce you to the principles that apply to human health and well-being which also involves energy generation and energy availability. With our program you will learn all of the above, plus much more. Our program will introduce you to the principles that apply to human health and well-being which also involves energy generation and energy availability.
You can FREE yourself of energy-draining problems by making a few simple changes in the way that you think and the way that you do things in your life.
You Can Dramatically Boost Your Energy and Performance Level! You will discover Natural High-Energy Methods That Will: Make your energy level soar! Make your performance standard better! Give you staying power fatigue free endurance! Increase your mental power incredibly! You will notice newfound vigor, vim, strength, stamina, rejuvenation, and a longer life.
However, before we humans can intelligently accept a new way of thinking and doing things, we must justify it consciously the wisdom of that act, and we must fit it into our mental world in a way that we think is meaningful to us.
Thus, the truth of our program is to reorient your outlook about health and body energies. Understanding your correct background, circumstances and conditions in your lives functions is essential to develop a program that assures you sufficient energies in all aspects of your being as well as in all pursuits you may prudently and carefully decide and choose.
Our health program comes with a concept that correctly represents truth and reality and that it will replace misconceptions, delusion, illusion, misrepresentations, fallacy, misapprehensions, and errors surrounding previous health practices.
I know that new ideas will have little or no meaning and, in fact, are usually rejected by most of us. Because we as human being have a tendency, a craving, a desire for following our initial teaching and acquired practices, whether they are correct or incorrect, and whether they are beneficial or harmful. “Its True We Are Creatures of Habits.”
The purpose and goal of this report is to reveal to you the nature of diseases and the energies you use which affects your health, and how bodies energies comes to be available to you and how you can flourish with it for your greatest enjoyment, enrichment and feeling and looking
years younger. Our report will reveal to you the secret of true rejuvenation. The attainment of renewed health, vitality and youthful characteristic by all the cells and tissues of the body!
You can improve your health and your performance level in all areas of your life by increasing your strength, vitality and energy. YES, you can really do this for yourself. The fact is, your health and well-being is, to a great extent, in your hands, and when you make the decision to try our program, you’ve taken a significant step toward improving your health and your life. You must take full 100% responsibility for your life and health. Our program will absolutely show you how you can do exactly that.
In addition, you will learn to recognize the mental Road Blocks that get in the way of your success, and how to remove and move away from them. “Reality Is Only an Illusion” what you focus and put your attention on any given time is what is real for you.
See Proof below: From Dr. Laurence Galant: I am 82 years young, born on April 7, 1942 here are some photos of me at 82 years… All the photos below were taken Between April and October 2024 at 82 years young.
Look and Feel Years Younger GUARANTEED! And, If you like, Become Rich In the Process While Helping Others Do The Same! It’s Unconventional! It’s Unique! And it works! It’s a 100% Effective Natural Health System. (You can also be an affiliate)
Challenging Age-Old Myths About Health and Diseases even today, in our modern, scientifically advance society, superstitions and false beliefs about health persist. For 2,500 years, people have clung to “drug myth” – The notion that that health can be restored by a pill or a portion. The belief in miraculous cures and healing substances is deeply ingrained in human history, going back even further.
Yet there exists a fundamental truth that could free us all from much of the suffering caused by disease. Ironically, both the educated and the uneducated often reject these truths, holding fast to the comfort of familiar superstitions.
Rather than taking responsibility for learning the simple principles of maintaining health, many go through life assuming that health is automatic—that no matter what we do, it will somehow remain intact. They view disease as a random misfortune, an unlucky strike that’s out of their control.
What most people fail to recognize is that health is our body’s natural state, maintained through consistent healthy choices. Conversely, disease is not an inevitable “bad luck” event but a predictable outcome of behaviors that disrupt our well-being. If we cultivate the causes of health, we will enjoy it; if we foster the causes of disease, we cannot avoid it.
Express – Order form Deadline: 30 days from today
Mail your order to: –> Dr. Laurence. Galant, 12077 Colony Preserve Drive, Boynton Beach, FL 33436 ß And make all checks or money orders payable to: Dr. Laurence Galant
The pathway to the next level in life begins with the first step. Take the first step now; return the risk-free Preview order form today! Try my new program for 30 days, use some of the suggestion in it and notice how you feel. I guarantee it could be the healthiest and most profitable, risk-free decision you make in your life. As an added bonus just for joining the program, you’ll receive a free reports. See below.
* YES, Dr. Galant! I accept your invitation to try The Health and Wealth Super Program on a 100% risk-free trial basis for 30 days. I want to be healthier and wealthier!
COUNT ME IN! I want the Health and Wealth Super Program. And if, for any reason, I am not totally satisfied with what you are offering me I can return the Health and Wealth Super Program after my 30 days risk free trial and get my money back and still keep the two FREE reports listed below.
* FAST-RESPOND BONUS GIFT. Send me a copy of your Health REPORT #HR101 – “The Real Health Formula that Nobody Dares to Reveal” Here is a single report, which introduces the broad spectrum of all that bears upon human well-being. It includes the essential salient needs of life, which produce magnificent human excellence. The guidelines of life are in simple English that everyone can understand. This report is a must for everyone. Value at $39.97. This is your extra free bonus for responding within 14 days from the date below and it is yours to keep whether or not you decide to keep the “HEALTH PROGRAM”. (Please order before this date).. October 26, 2024.
£ Check this box if you like to be an affiliate with your membership and include the last 4 digits of your SS# _____ we use it to create your affiliate ID#. Affiliate earn commission on all future sales they make. All lessons are consecutive and it included Introduction to Healthology lesson. Your Financial Opportunity will be included with your membership.
* Enclosed is my $60.00 plus $7 shipping and handling (not refundable). Total $67.00 for the “NEW Health & Financial Development System”
Your Name__________________________________________________________________________________
The Wish We Wish Above All is “HEALTH”!
So, are you still the “walk away” type? Let me share a quick observation… There are two types of people who react to this offer. Type one says, “Great, but no thanks, it can’t happen to me. I don’t want it.” The next morning they get out of bed with the same false sense of security about their health.
Type two says, “well, I’m not sure, but the membership has a money back guaranteed. I have nothing to lose. And obviously, people get sick every day. Why couldn’t happen to me? And, I want to protect myself from it!
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